What's new at the Libby Library, March 2025

Saco Bay News File Photo
Bobbie Cochran, Guest Columnist

March brings with it longer days and warmer temperatures as well as a blossoming of activities here at Libby Library.

We warm things up with our annual March Quilt Exhibit beginning Saturday, March 1 and going through the end of the month. These beautiful works of art will put a smile on your face with their beautiful colors and designs.

The second Winter Wellness feature of the month takes place on March 29 from 12:00 - 2:00pm. Health Coach Suzanne Nicklas returns to give a presentation on breastfeeding and its importance to an infant’s early development. She’ll be addressing some of the common challenges and self-care for new mothers. Registration is required for this presentation. Please call (854) 900-4064 before March 25 to register for this event.

We also encourage you to stop by the Library on Saturday, March 22nd at 11:00 when Director Lee Koenigs and Librarian Chandra Weigle will give an informative talk on “Getting to Know Your Library”. These days, Libraries have so many offerings beyond books, both on-site and online. Some are unexpected and often unknown. Come and learn about all your local Library has to offer; bet you’ll be surprised.


Along with those warmer temperatures March also brings St Patrick’s Day. The festivities this year include Gifts We Can Barely Carry, Kevin Farley’s film which features live music from President John F. Kennedy’s trip to Ireland. The film will be shown in our Community Room on Tuesday, March 11th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. The celebrations continue Saturday, March 15th at 11:00 am when we’ll once again be trapping leprechauns!

Before we wrap up, we would like to remind everyone, patrons and non-patrons alike, that our Future Strategic Plan Survey is still ongoing. You can take this fast and easy survey either online at ooblibrary.org or by filling out a hard copy of the survey, obtainable at the Library or Town Hall. Copies will soon be available at The Pines, The Birches, Cider Hill and Milliken Heights for those that don’t have easy access to either location.

We also remind you to check our website or Facebook page for updates on our events and inclement weather closings.