Saco Hosting I-195/Ocean Park Road Public Info Session

Saco Bay News File Photo
Submitted Story/City of Saco

Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), the City of Saco, and Town of Old Orchard Beach have completed a feasibility study for improvements to the Interstate 195 and Ocean Park Road corridor.

This travel area is located in both Saco and Old Orchard Beach and includes identified high crash locations, according to MDOT.

Saco City Council is hosting a Public Information Session focused on the feasibility study on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6 p.m. in the Saco City Hall Auditorium (300 Main St.). The public is invited to attend the presentation and participate in a public comment period or send comments by e-mailing The meeting will be recorded and posted on the City of Saco’s website and YouTube channel following the event.


At the info session, study consultants will provide details on the study results and hear public feedback. The study included traffic operations, corridor safety, reducing speeds, improving confusing geometry, reviewing  access management, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and gateway opportunities. Reviewed high crash locations included the Saco Exit 2A offramp at Main Street, the Exit 2B offramp at Main Street, and the Old Orchard Beach Halfway Intersection. There were 52 crashes at the Exit 2A offramp at Main Street from 2019 through 2021.

The feasibility study details final concepts, costs, an evaluation matrix, and final recommendations from the study.

View the Interstate 195/Ocean Park Road Feasibility Study here, the presentation PDF in the Jan. 13 City Council meeting packet, or a recording of the Jan. 13, City Council presentation on YouTube.

Residents with questions should reach out to Saco Public Works at 207-284-6641.

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