Elm and Hooper street residents in Biddeford invited to meeting on construction project

Courtesy of City of Biddeford
Submitted Story/City of Biddeford

An upcoming major construction project on Elm and Hooper streets is expected to impact traffic patterns in Biddeford between April and November.

The Maine Department of Transportation is planning to make road surface improvements on Elm Street. Before those improvements can take place, the city is required to install new storm drains and sewer within Elm Street between Center Street to Diamond Street, as well as within Hooper Street.

The project is being completed as part of the City of Biddeford’s ongoing sewer separation process. The previous single-pipe sewer system will be replaced with separate pipes for water and storm water flows. Once the replacement is complete, storm water will be discharged directly into receiving water, while wastewater will be treated before discharge, improving water quality.


Work is expected to begin the week of April 7 and will be completed in November. In a joint effort with the Maine Water Company, the existing outdated water mains within this corridor will also be replaced during this time.

The Public Works Department has partnered with the project contractor, Gorham Sand and Gravel, and BH2M, the project’s engineering firm, to host a public meeting for residents and business owners along this Route 1 corridor. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the traffic impacts of the project and weigh in on traffic control plans. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Biddeford Public Works Department, located at 371 Hill St.

Members of the public who cannot attend the meeting are encouraged to direct questions and concerns to Jeff Demers, Director of Public Works, at 207-282-1579 or by email at publicworks@biddefordmaine.org.

“By holding this informational meeting, we hope to be able to address any major concerns from business owners and residents before this mandatory work begins,” said Jeff Demers, Director of Public Works. “We know that there is never an ideal time to complete construction on a major route and would like to thank community members in advance for their patience and understanding while work is underway.”