Six face off for three Town Council seats in Old Orchard Beach

Six face off for three Town Council seats in Old Orchard Beach
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Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

OLD ORCHARD BEACH — Six candidates are competing for three Town Council seats, each with a two-year term.

The candidates were given questions via email. Here are their responses, listed in alphabetical order by candidate’s last names.


 Kenneth Blow


Previous partner in Blow Bros and BBI Waste. I currently own Seacoast RV's.

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committed you have served on.

I served four years on the Planning Board and currently on the council for seven. I am a municipal representative to the Biddeford Saco OOB Shuttle Bus, a municipal representative to the Libby Memorial Library and a municipal representative to the Maine Water Co.

Why are you a good choice for the Town Council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

I served on the planning board for four years and have been on the Town Council for over seven years. I’ve worked professionally and successfully with neighboring municipalities on several boards as a municipal representative. This pandemic has changed life as we know it, and we need to make sure our community stays safe while we support our local businesses. While being a business man and a lifelong resident of Old Orchard Beach, I understand the needs of both businesses and residents, and I care very deeply for our Towns future. I am and have always been committed to keeping OOB safe, friendly & prosperous through balancing and addressing the needs of both business and our community.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Bringing in needed affordable housing for our aging population, such as the project of Portland Ave. that we are currently working on. Repairing much needed and required infrastructure improvements while keeping a watchful eye on the Town budget so that families can continue to afford living in Town. Hiring a new Town Manager that will continue to lead OOB in a positive direction as we have had in the past seven years.

What are the greatest challenges facing the Town Council in the upcoming year?

Balancing the safety of our community with the need to support our local businesses. We will also need to make significant improvements to parts of our infrastructure, such as the DEP required upgrades to the sewer treatment plant. As well as retaining all needed services while maintain a mil rate that’s affordable. These are just a few of the upcoming challenges, yet challenges I look forward to tackling.

Guy Fontaine


Retired from Department of Defense, Former Ballpark Stadium Operations Manager.

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committed you have served on.

No previous political offices. Served as Chairman of the Ballpark Commission.

 Why are you a good choice for the town council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

I worked as a manager for the DOD and also have 21 years experience with the York County Sheriff’s Dept. This gives me a good understanding of dealing with Public Safety and the Public. I also am a life long resident of OOB, graduating from OOB High School, giving me a broad knowledge of the town's history and issues. I am retired and not in business and have no relatives working for the town, making my appointment free from conflicts of interest.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

(1) To ensure that the residents are kept informed of all town issues and encouraged to be engaged and know their voice will be heard.

(2) To look at every dollar being spent and find ways to reduce waste and become more efficient so taxes can either be reduced or more money can be invested in our infrastructure while finding ways to increase revenue.

   (3) We need to be planning for the future and looking ahead, making sure our zoning reflects the Comprehensive Plan and will ensure the Town is developed with the right mix of housing, businesses and much needed green space.

 What are the greatest challenges facing the town council in the upcoming year? 

 The greatest challenge the council will face will probably be finding the perfect replacement for our retiring Town Manager. We will need a person who can work closely with the Council and both the business sector as well as residents to resolve the ever fluid Covid-19 Pandemic. The actions that are taken could be the difference to a healthy recovery or a disaster.


Richard Leone


Currently employed as an Implementation Consultant for The Hartford Insurance Company. Previously worked many jobs, including cooking at Hooligans on The Pier, Sold Cars at Prime Toyota, was a BHP working with children for Saco River Health Services, worked at Best Buy for 5+ years, and other various office jobs.

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committee you have served on.


Why are you a good choice for the town council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

I've lived in Old Orchard Beach for 14 years. I've worked in town, and I've been unemployed here. I volunteer here, and I shop here. I have struggled here, and I understand how hard it can be to live in a small town that is focused on tourism first, and the residents second. I've been on the board of my condo association where I've been responsible for things such as overseeing capital projects, insurance bidding, and groundskeeping. I would work to put the residents first, to create a long term vision for the town, and to find new sources of revenue to help grow the services the town can provide its residents. I'm the youngest of the candidates running for a seat on the OOB Town Council, and I will bring the experience of a new generation to the Council. I have a legal education, but I've also worked physical jobs, mentally tough jobs, and jobs where I have to consider the well-being of others. My experience in listening to clients and customers and problem solving and advocating for them, and my desire to advocate for the residents of this town that are struggling make me a good choice for Town Council.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

 1) I would push for term limits for Town Councilors, 2 terms in a row then you have to take a 1 term break. It is critical that we have new ideas, perspectives, and voices contributing to the leadership of the town. This would find a balance, encouraging new voices and faces to run, while allowing people who are passionate and love this town to continue to serve if the public wished them to. 2) Improve our winter road/sidewalk maintenance - we can do better with cleaning our roads and sidewalks after storms. Right now many sidewalks aren't cleared and people must walk in the road and it can be dangerous with the cars and the snow/ice still in the road. 3) Find new sources of revenue for the town based on the tourism industry - we need to think outside the box and come up with new ideas and partnerships that will bring income to the town, not just the local businesses. The town of Old Orchard Beach only received 3% of the taxes generated in this town from the state, it's not enough. They are supposed to pay us 5%, but have never attained that amount of revenue sharing, so we as a town, must find other ways to bring in revenue without putting the burden on the residents, business owners, and homeowners.

What are the greatest challenges facing the town council in the upcoming year?

1)     1)  Infrastructure - Our roads are in disrepair, our sewers need upgrading, and there doesn't seem to be any plan for the growth in town. The intersection of Smithwheel Road at Dunkin Donuts is a travesty and if we don't make better decisions about how this town is designed more of those situations will appear.

2)       2) Revenue - People are going to have an increasingly hard time paying their property taxes, we need to find a way to increase revenue without impacting property taxes.

3)      3) This town is becoming unaffordable for people who grew up here or grew old here. We need to find a way to support affordable housing, attract younger families, and help the older generation stay in their homes.


Reza Namin


 Chief Academic Officer at STEM Education Collaborative and former Superintendent of Westbrook School Department

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committed you have served on.

Town of OOB Finance Committee Member, Serving as the Chair of the OOB Finance Committee for three years

Why are you a good choice for the town council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

Experienced as CEO and Superintendent for 300 staff, 32 million dollars budget, 7 schools, 2500 students and serving Regional School District, Serving as the member of the OOB Finance Committee for over 10 years and commitment to give back to my community that I care for.

I have experience being a change agent and improving organizations through building strong relationships, transparency, communication, fair representations, and integrity.

2019 Harvard University Fellow, 2012 National Superintendent of the Year Nominee, Inducted to the Worcester State University Athletic Hall of Fame and recipient of the Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Education Alumni Award, 1991 New England Coach of the Year while coaching at Holy Cross, Former Professional Soccer Player, Drafted by the Dallas MLS Soccer Team and Second Team All American Soccer Player. Holding the record for most goals scored since 1984 at the WSU.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

1.      Accountability. The Town Council must be accountable for policy decisions and actions impacting the tax payers.

2.      Transparency. The Waste Management Bond Issue was part of priority and the communication to taxpayers has failed to justify the bond for $32 million dollars at the time of budget hardship for all. This should have been addressed 10 years ago and communicated to taxpayers not the last minute PR campaign. OOB has a significant number of seniors with fixed income and wrong time and plan to address the revenue and liability issues.

3.      Integrity. This is at no way any suggestions of wrong doing as the members are good people who are working hard. However, the issue of Conflicts of Interest must be a priority. We cannot have the rich and powerful thinking that they own the town and the taxpayers’ future.

What are the greatest challenges facing the town council in the upcoming year?

  •  Facing a 32 million dollars bond that would require the tax increases. Lack of planning and communication with the taxpayers about the needs and priorities and fair representations in policy making.
  • Serving the Community with significant populations with fixed income and seniors.
  • Balance the Taxation with Creative Revenue building that would be fair and equitable to year-long residents, businesses, and season residence.
  • The municipal challenges with the revenue shortfall and many emergencies through both natural and COVID.
  • Address the gaps in income and two different OOB Communities without any equitable policies and services. The rich and powerful trying to control the town and its representations.
  • Mental and substance abuse.
  • Lack of economic development and creativity.
  • Lack of comprehensive strategic planning with fair representations.



Shawn O’Neill


I have recently retired after 36 years from the United States Postal Service, serving in the capacity of Postmaster in Sanford Maine. I am currently the sole proprietor of Classic Clippings Lawn Care and Snowplowing, proudly and respectfully serving the residents and businesses in Old Orchard Beach and Saco.

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committee you have served on.

I have had the honor and the privilege of serving as a Town Coucilor in Old Orchard Beach for the last 21 years. I have also served this community as a call firefighter, 16 years, and a reserve police officer for 3 years.

Why are you a good choice for the town council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

I am a qualified candidate and eagerly wishing to continue to serve as your Town Councilor. During my tenure, I have served as the council Vice chair and Chairman for several years. I have the historical and current knowledge of the issues that come before council. I have demonstrated that I have respect and the ability to listen, which a successful candidate should have to serve in this capacity.

I offer a positive attitude, and a path to resolution to every issue that comes before council. I have established a strong working relationship with all Department heads as we work through the daunting task of reviewing their line item budgets as well as assisting them in resolving issues that require council input. I thank you for the privilege to have served you for 21 years , and I ask for your continued support so that I may reach my 25 year goal.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

If given the opportunity to continue on, my priorities would be to maintain fiscal responsibility resulting in a reasonable tax mil rate, focusing on capital improvements throughout the town and seeking outside funding sources in order make as many improvements possible, and lastly, maintaining the strong and respectful working relationship with my fellow councilors, town manager, and all of staff.

What are the greatest challenges facing the town council in the upcoming year?

The greatest challenge the council will face will be selecting a town manager that will bring stability, continuity, forward thinking, and respect to the council, staff, and the citizens of Old Orchard Beach.

Michael Tousignant


President; Loading Dock Equipment of New England Inc.

List any previous political offices held and for how long. Also, list any municipal or school appointed committed you have served on.

Elected as town councilor twelve years ago. currently serving as vice chair, served as a planning board member from 2000-2004, and served as a fire fighter from 1984 - 2004 retired with rank of lieutenant.

Why are you a good choice for the Town Council? List any experience, background and skills that are relevant.

 As a long standing member of the community for 58 years and having served our town in some capacity since 2004, This has given me a great ability to continue borrowing from the significant lessons of the past and continue to lead our community in the future.

I have the interest of the community and understand the demographics of the town. Those that know me, know that I put a lot of time and effort into decision making for our community.

I have and will continue to maintain a low tax rate and a fair sustainable quality of life. I expect and welcome being held accountable for my actions.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

  • Maintaining a low tax rate.
  • Police, Fire and the Schools - these are not in any order!
  • Infrastructure needs

What are the greatest challenges facing the Town Council in the upcoming year?

I believe that we are just beginning to see the impacts of this past summer.

The impact of a difficult tourism season will have to play out and the town will have to rebound as best it can.

Having been around Old Orchard Beach for a long time , I know that the community will continue to strive to make it possible for the citizens to maintain a fair tax rate and sustainable quality of life.

It is important to note that the town council was very cognitive of the possibility of a difficult summer and budgeted accordingly. We are currently on target with the current budget and expect to finish the current budget year on target.


Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at