Saco City Council appoints John Bohenko as city administrator
SACO –The Saco City Council voted unanimously on Monday, Oct. 3 to appoint John Bohenko as City Administrator with a start date of Tuesday, Oct. 10.
“I look forward to partnering with the mayor, City Council, and most importantly the citizens of Saco, alongside a very capable city staff, to continue to provide quality services to Saco’s community members,” said Bohenko.
Bohenko comes to Saco as an experienced city manager serving in three new England communities prior to joining Saco, with his longest tenure being with Portsmouth, New Hampshire for 23 years. In addition to Bohenko’s strong management experience, he also has a Master of Business Administration degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
“I believe that the City of Saco has many synergies with the City of Portsmouth including excellent municipal services, a strong financial position, access to the beautiful coastline, and a great place to work, own a business, and experience a high quality of life,” he said.
Bohenko was selected after a competitive recruiting and hiring process conducted by HR Maine Consulting with 29 applicants. Nine candidates participated in a rigorous essay process, with three candidates moving forward to a multiphase interview process with a community panel, city staff members, and the City Council.
Mayor William Doyle brought Bohenko forward as the candidate for council consideration Monday evening.
“We are extremely happy to have John Bohenko joining the City of Saco team,” said Doyle. “John has the experience and education to help guide the City of Saco with a best practices approach. His long tenure in a previous city will assist our community to meet the challenges of today, tomorrow, and beyond”.
Bohenko’s three-year contract will commence on Oct.10, and he will be paid $150,000 annually. The City Council waived the residency requirement, as authorized under the City Charter, recognizing the value his experience will bring to this community.
“Maintaining a stable tax base is a primary focus, as we continue to provide excellent city services, and I look forward to working with city staff to grow the tax base and ease the tax burden for all businesses and residents,” said Bohenko.