Saco Bay News launches t-shirt featuring design by local artist

Saco Bay News launches t-shirt featuring design by local artist
The new Saco Bay News shirt features a design by artist Nick Blunier. IMAGE COURTESY OF SPREADSHIRT
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

Local journalism from a trusted source is important. It connects people to their communities and promotes civic engagement and transparency in government.

But how do we sustain local journalism? I’ve heard that question asked several times at conferences, in online chat groups and in casual conversations.

One solution some news outlets have had success with is to diversify revenue. At the Radically Rural conference in New Hampshire last September, I listened to Chris Baker of the Taos News talk about how his publication has diversified revenue by creating tourism magazines and maps. Lindsey Young, co-owner of Kansas Publishing Ventures, discussed her success in creating an online news academy and running a book publishing company in addition to newspapers. I’ve also read about some very creative. out-of-the-box ideas, like a Nebraska newspaper that opened a liquor store in its back office.

I’ve been working with the Innovation Team at Reynolds Journalism Institute to launch my own project to add a revenue stream. It may not be as grandiose as some of the stuff other news outlets are doing, but I think it’s pretty cool, and I hope you readers think so as well.

I just couldn't resist taking a selfie with the new shirt! 

Today I’m launching a t-shirt exclusive to Saco Bay News. It features an original design created by local artist Nick Blunier, owner of Common Roots Studio in Biddeford. Blunier’s artwork for the shirt honors our coastal communities in a fun, whimsical design with an adorable seal in the forefront and lobster boats in the background.

The shirt is available for purchase online at Spread Shirt. All proceeds from this wearable piece of local art will support Saco Bay News.

You can learn more about Blunier and why I commissioned him for this project by reading this story: Meet Nick Blunier: The artist who created the image for the new SBN t-shirt 

Saco Bay News Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at