Saco, Biddeford hope for funding for pedestrian bridge

Saco, Biddeford hope for funding for pedestrian bridge
The area in yellow shows where the suggested location of a proposed pedestrian bridge over the Saco River. COURTESY IMAGE/City of Saco
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

SACO/BIDDEFORD — The cities of Saco and Biddeford are seeking funding for a pedestrian bridge over the Saco River that would bring a walking route from downtown Biddeford to the train station in Saco.

The City of Saco, in coordination with Saco Main Street and the City of Biddeford, hired engineering firm Thornton Tomasetti to prepare a concept plan of a proposed pedestrian bridge. The suggested bridge would run parallel to the railroad tracks, connecting the Transportation Center in Saco and Lincoln Street in Biddeford.

Two public surveys regarding the proposed bridge generated a total of 585 responses, and 81 percent of comments were positive or supportive of the bridge, according to city staff. 

The cities of Saco and Biddeford in March applied to Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System for Federal Highway Administration money for the proposed project, said Saco Economic Development Specialist Jessa Berna in a memo to Saco City Council.


There are four suggested designs for the proposed bridge: a curved girder bridge, a straight-tied arch bridge, a straight girder bridge and a straight truss bridge. More information can be found in this presentation by Berna. 

Depending on which of the designs is chosen, the total cost of the proposed project would be between $5.2 million and $8.9 million. Should the project receive federal funding through PACTS, both Saco and Biddeford would each contribute 12.5 percent to the project. Depending on which project was chosen, if  funding through PACTS was secured, Biddeford and Saco would each contribute an amount that would range from $654,000 to $1.1 million.

In July, the PACTS advisory committee made a recommendation to the PACTS Policy Board to fund the project, according to Berna. The PACTS Policy committee will vote whether to approve the funding on Aug. 24.

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at