OOB passes town budget

OOB passes town budget
Saco Bay News File Photo
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

OLD ORCHARD BEACH — The Town Council approved a nearly $23.4 municipal budget for fiscal year 2023.

The municipal operating budget, which includes wages and benefits, utilities and fuel, social services, and department operating costs, is about $20.5 million, and the capital improvement budget is nearly $2.9 million.

This was the final vote on the municipal budget. The school board has proposed a $15.6 million school budget, up $500,000 from the current year’s budget. Residents will make the final vote on the school budget at a June 14 referendum vote.

The estimated mil rate for the upcoming year is $12.45, down $1.71 from the current year’s mil rate of $14.16.


Town Councilor Larry Mead said that while the mil rate would be dropping, there will be some property owners who will see a tax increase as property valuations are reassessed.

Councilor Michael Tousignant said that he wanted the public to be aware that the town used $500,000 of undesignated fund, or savings, and $500,000 of rescue billing funds to offset expenses in the town budget.

“I don’t want people to think we’re rolling in money here, and that’s how come we got a $1.71 decrease in the mil rate,” he said.

For more information on the town budget, check out the recording of Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting and go to the 45 minute mark.

For more information on the proposed school budget, go to the RSU 23 budget information page.

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at newsdesk@sacobaynews.com.