Old Orchard Beach Town Councilors running unopposed for reelection
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OLD ORCHARD BEACH — Three Old Orchard Beach Town Councilors are running unopposed for reelection this November.
Current town Councilors Kenneth Blow, Shawn O’Neill and Michael Tousignant are running for reelection and facing no competition.
The Town Council is comprised of five at-large members elected by voters. The Town Council appoints a chairman and a vice-chairman after newly elected or reelected councilors are sworn in. Town Councilors serve two-year staggering terms.
Regional School Unit 23 School Board Member Sally Beaty is running for reelection and facing competition from newcomer Barbara Roberge. RSU 23 oversees public schools in Old Orchard Beach.
The RSU 23 school board has five elected at-large members, and the board appoints a chairman and vice-chairman. School Board members serve three-year staggering terms.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the gymnasium at Old Orchard Beach High School, 40 E. Emerson Cummings Boulevard. For questions on voting, go to the Town Clerk’s page on the Old Orchard Beach town website. Information on absentee voting can also be found at the Maine absentee ballot request page.
Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at newsdesk@sacobaynews.com. For continued local election coverage, check back with Saco Bay News.