Old Orchard Beach begins Fiscal Year 2025 budget process

Saco Bay News File Photo
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

The Old Orchard Beach Fiscal Year 2025 budget process has begun, and an initial proposal would mean a slight increase to the mil rate.

Town Manager Diana Asanza presented a suggested Fiscal Year 2025 budget at an April 1 Town Council meeting.

Asanza has proposed a $23.6 million operating budget, up nearly $1.3 million from the current year’s operating budget, and a $3.1 million capital improvement budget, down about $78,000 from the current year’s capital improvement budget.

Wages and benefits make up about 57 percent of the proposed operating budget. This suggested budget also includes department operational costs, social services, contracted services, and utilities and fuels.

The proposed capital improvement budget includes HVAC improvements at Town Hall, siding at the Harmon Museum, technology upgrades and parking lot improvements and energy efficient lighting upgrades at The Ballpark. It also includes scheduled firefighting gear replacement, roof replacement and drain repairs to the fire station, security system and camera upgrades to the police department and a new police vehicle. Other expenses covered in capital improvements include road paving and drainage and sidewalk and sewer line improvements.

The proposed Fiscal Year 2025 municipal budget, combined with the proposed school budget and projected county taxes, would decrease the town’s mil rate 9 cents from 11.40 to 11.31. Under this scenario, while the tax rate is going down, some residents could see a slight increase in taxes due to increase in valuations, said Asanza.

The Town Council is reviewing the budget in a series of public workshops and will vote on a final municipal budget in June. A video recording of Asanza’s presentation can be viewed online.

Saco Bay News Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at newsdesk@sacobaynews.com.