Local Spotlight: Girl Scouts of Maine recognizes volunteers

Local Spotlight: Girl Scouts of Maine recognizes volunteers
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Community Reports

SACO/BIDDEFORD — Three local women were recently recognized for their volunteer work with the Girl Scouts of Maine.

 Ashley Martin of Saco, a longtime volunteer for the Girl Scouts of Maine, recently received the Honor Pin for her above-and-beyond service and support of the organization this year. The Honor Pin is awarded to a volunteer or staff member who has provided exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with a measurable impact on two or more geographic areas.

As a Saco Bay Service Unit Program Coordinator for several years, Martin was a major impetus for continued Girl Scout programming during the pandemic, an extremely important way for girls from around the state to connect with one another that could have easily fallen to the wayside given COVID-19 limitations.

Throughout her years of service, Martin has consistently encouraged older Girl Scouts to become involved in program planning committees within the Saco Bay and Machigonne Service Units. One successful program that Martin played a massive role in organizing was the World Thinking Day event in 2022, which was a digital event themed around “Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality.”

Martin’s list of impactful programs, events, and dedicated hours are invaluable and ever-growing. During the pandemic, a time where hope and positivity were not in abundance, Martin stepped up and provided her service unit with the kind of leadership that the Girl Scouts of Maine is built upon.

To learn more about the Honor Pin, visit https://www.girlscoutsofmaine.org/2023-annual-celebration-honor-pin-recipients .


Two dedicated volunteers from Biddeford, Coleen Whitehurst-Hatt and Danielle Roberge, recently received the Appreciation Pin from the Girl Scouts of Maine. The Appreciation Pin is an award bestowed upon a volunteer or staff member who provides exemplary service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience that has had a measurable impact on two or more troops in one or more geographic areas.

Whitehurst, a troop leader and Saco Bay Service Unit Coordinator, is extremely dependable when it comes to being a role model for girls in the area. With her plethora of knowledge and dedication to traditions, Saco Bay troops are able to thrive under her guidance. Whitehurst is known for her timeliness and consistency, always being the first leader to sign up her troop for events–despite her hectic schedule.
As the Saco Bay Community Engagement Coordinator, a troop leader, and more recently serving as treasurer, Roberge has ramped up her involvement by leading at least
one recruiting
event each month. Her efforts make sure that Saco Bay stays ahead of the game with retention and recruitment. Roberge is a well-known point person for directing you in the right way when guidance is needed and her contributions are endless.

To learn more about the Appreciation Pin and this year’s recipients, visit https://www.girlscoutsofmaine.org/2023-annual-celebration-appreciation-pin-recipients .