La Kermesse canceled this year

La Kermesse canceled this year
The LaKermesse parade float makes an appearance at the annual celebration. PHOTO COURTESY OF FACEBOOK
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

BIDDEFORD — The La Kermesse Franco-Americaine Festival has been canceled this year.

The annual festival, known as La Kermesse, celebrates the community’s French- Canadian heritage every summer with traditional food, amusement rides, and a range of activities including a parade, a block party and live music. The four-day festival attracts both young and old. Many people every year collect the commemorative button that features the festival’s mascot, a frog named Franquette.

The La Kermesse board announced on Facebook late Wednesday afternoon that the festival would not be held this year.


“We have decided, with heavy hearts, to postpone our festival again to 2022. The health and safety of our community and vendor partners is the most important thing to the board, and while we’ll miss another year of the festival, we know this is the right thing to do,” stated the La Kermesse board on Facebook. “We appreciate your continued love and support, and we look forward to seeing you all June 23-26, 2022!”

This will be the second summer in a row without the La Kermesse Franco-Americaine Festival. The festival was canceled last year as well due to the pandemic.

For more information, go to the La Kermesse Facebook page at

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at