Good Shepherd Parish collects more than 7,000 diapers

Good Shepherd Parish collects more than 7,000 diapers
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
Community Reports

SACO — A mid-January diaper donation drive at the churches of Good Shepherd Parish generated 7,150 diapers to help local mothers in need in Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, and Lyman.

The diapers were collected during the “Mary, Mother of God” Diaper Collection from parishioners at Most Holy Trinity Church in Saco, St. Joseph Church in Biddeford, St. Philip Church in Lyman, and St. Margaret Church in Old Orchard Beach, as well as from students at St. James School in Biddeford. The effort to collect the items took place from Jan. 8 through Jan. 30.


The diapers were delivered to local social service agencies, including food pantries, for distribution to the wider community.