Free COVID home tests available for Mainers

Free COVID home tests available for Mainers
Photo Courtesy of iHealth
Staff Reports

AUGUSTA — The Maine Department of Health and Human Services is encouraging residents to order free at-home COVID-19 tests as they make plans for upcoming holiday gatherings and travel.

All households in Maine can receive one free kit of five rapid tests mailed to their home each month through Project Access COVID Tests (Project ACT). Project Act is a partnership between the Maine Department of Human Services (DHHS) and The Rockefeller Foundation. Last month, DHHS reported that 170,897 free, at-home COVID-19 test kits – a total of 854,485 tests – were to Maine households since Project Act’s launch in January.

To order COVID-19 tests through Project Act, go to No payment information is required, and both the tests and shipping are free. According to DHHS, the tests will be delivered through Amazon about one to two weeks after the order is placed.


The rapid tests require a quick swab inside each nostril, and results are available within 15 minutes. The tests come with instruction, and there is also a link to a digital assistant on the Project Act website to guide people through the process.

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at