Driveway to new Saco school campus named after dedicated school board member

Saco School Board Member Beth Johnston at Monday night's school board meeting holds a replica sign for the new roadway named after her. Standing with her are her sons Nathan, Jacob, Ian and grandson Nathan Jr. PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSICA MORRIS
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

Thousands of Saco students will in the future travel on Beth Johnston Way on their way to school.

Superintendent of Schools Jeremy Ray announced at Wednesday night’s school board meeting that the driveway for the future school campus on Portland Road (Route One) has been named in honor of Beth Johnston, a school board member who has served for 20 years.

“We’re here tonight for a significant milestone,” said Ray.

Ray noted Johnston’s dedication. He said through the many meetings and workshops Johnston attended, including “budget battles” and the sessions during the RSU withdrawal process, she never lost her vision on a new school. Ray said he was the ninth superintendent that Johnston had served under.

“The board, the city council, the mayor, felt that there was only one way to name the driveway for this school, and that forever, it will be Beth Johnston Way,” said Ray.

Ray and the school board presented Johnston with a replica of the street sign for the school driveway.


“I think I have to hug the whole room. I’m absolutely speechless, to tell you the truth,” said Johnston.

She said she was completely surprised and she appreciated the recognition. Johnston said while she had spent a lot of time over the years on the school board, it was work she enjoyed.

“There is no one more kind, thoughtful and engaged in our Saco school community than 20-year school board member Beth Johnston,” said School Board member Kevin Roche. “Her work and leadership through many changes in Superintendents/school boards was critical to get our new PreK through 5th grade school construction a reality.”

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at