City of Biddeford announces 2024 Employee and Volunteer of the Year Awards

Recreation Program Coordinator Brian Dunphe, center, was named City of Biddeford Employee of the Year. To the left of Dunphe is Biddeford Mayor Marty Grohman, and to the right is City Manager Jim Bennett. SUBMITTED PHOTO
City and staff reports

The City of Biddeford recently announced its annual Employee and Volunteer of the Year award recipients. Mayor Martin Grohman and City Manager James Bennett presented the awards at the City of Biddeford’s Employee and Volunteer Banquet on Sept. 19.

Brian Dunphe, Recreation Coordinator, has been named the 2024 Employee of the Year for the City of Biddeford.

Dunphe has worked for the city as a Recreation Program Coordinator since January 2006. In his 18 years of service, he has developed, implemented and contributed to the development of many programs, facilities and events that have had an everlasting effect on the city.

“Brian is the driving force behind many of the standout Outdoor Recreation programs that offer residents unique access to our natural resources, may that be guided hikes and snowshoeing on our beautiful trail systems, canoeing and kayaking lessons on the Saco River, Wood Island Lighthouse tours or surfing lessons at Fortune’s Rocks,” said City Manager James Bennett. “He is also the City’s liaison for community events such as Winterfest. Brian’s work has brought joy to so many members of our community and I am thrilled to honor him with the 2024 Employee of the Year Award.”

During this past year, Dunphe took on the role of Interim Building Supervisor at the J. Richard Martin Community Center and was asked to oversee the general maintenance of the Recreation Department’s outdoor facilities. He enthusiastically took on these additional responsibilities to his existing role, cultivating a motivated team culture within his new team of five employees.

“I believe that Brian has earned this recognition because of his love and pride for working for the City of Biddeford and his passion for his work,” said Lisa Thompson, Director of Biddeford Recreation. “His commitment to fine-tuning his skills to benefit the department never waivers.”

Several other awards were presented to employees at the ceremony, including the Management Team Member of the Year Award, the Technical and Service Team Member of the Year Award, and the Customer Service Team Member of the Year Award.


Deputy Chief Kenneth Thorpe of the Biddeford Fire Department was named the Management Team Member of the Year.

Thorpe has been a member of the Biddeford Fire Department for 20 years. He is known as a problem-solver with a positive attitude who takes a collaborative approach in his management style. Thorpe is extremely passionate about professional development and mentorship of future leaders. He has also been instrumental in strengthening the Department’s training program.

“Ken typically starts his day at Central Station before 6 a.m. and usually ends it around 6 p.m. or later. He can also often be found at the station over the weekends helping coordinate training or working to solve an equipment or facility issue,” said Fire Chief Larry Best. “Ken’s strong dedication, forward-thinking vision, and unwavering commitment to the Fire Department and the City make him an incredibly deserving recipient of this award.”

Brad Favreau was named the Technical and Service Team Member of the Year. Favreau serves as the City’s Economic Development Coordinator and recently celebrated his ten-year service anniversary.

Favreau’s exceptional skill in juggling multiple priorities, which allows him to manage the diverse demands of economic development along with all things related to sustainability initiatives and historic preservation work with remarkable efficiency. His colleagues admire his ability to "get things done" while maintaining a great sense of humor.

“Brad’s loyalty to his team, the City of Biddeford, and his commitments is unparalleled, and he pursues each task with enthusiasm and dedication” said George Gervais, Director of Economic Development and Planning. “Brad truly embodies the best of public service, and we are fortunate to have him as part of the Biddeford family.”

Jenna Charland was named the Customer Service Team Member of the Year. Charland has served the City since 2020 and currently serves as a General Assistance Caseworker. She is known by coworkers for her ability to deal with emotionally heavy and complex situations with grace. During a time of staffing transition in the past year, she managed the General Assistance office for several months alone and met the challenge with a smile.

“Jenna juggles the needs of clients, her co-workers and the GA program as a whole both effectively and with a true sense of compassion and empathy,” said Jake Hammer, General Assistance Administrator. “I have worked with Jenna for the entirety of her tenure in the General Assistance office and I have never witnessed anything but the utmost professionalism even in the most challenging situations. There is no one I would rather have in this office and look forward to future growth of the program with her aboard.”

The City’s Volunteer of the Year award is also presented each year at the Employee and Volunteer Banquet. Mayor Martin Grohman presented this year’s award to Florence Leighton.

Florence Leighton stands with Biddeford Mayor Marty Grohman after being presented with the Volunteer of the Year award. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Leighton has served on the City’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee since its inception in 2021 and was elected as its first chair by her fellow committee members. She has often been willing to go above and beyond the typical service of a committee member, including participating in interviews for the City’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator staff position and speaking to City staff on a leadership panel. Leighton also served as the advisor for Biddeford High School’s Black Student Union for the 2023-2024 academic year.

“Flo's dedication to Biddeford, advocacy for inclusivity, and tireless work for our community are truly remarkable,” said Mayor Grohman. “It is my great honor to present her with this year’s Volunteer of the Year award and thank her for all that she has done, and continues to do, for our great city.”