Biddeford Council, dignitaries and others celebrate Mayor Casavant's service
In recognition of his many years of public service, Biddeford Mayor Alan Casavant was given a “surprise” ceremony of recognition during Tuesday’s city council meeting -- the last meeting he will chair before stepping down in December.
Casavant, who opted last year not to seek a seventh consecutive term as mayor, is now the second-longest serving mayor in Biddeford’s 168-year history. First elected as mayor in 2011, Casavant served a total of 12 years in the mayor’s office.
Former Mayor Louis “Papa” Lauzier was the only mayor to serve longer than Casavant, leading the city from 1941 to 1955, a 14-year run.
During Tuesday’s meeting, a steady stream of dignitaries and supporters stepped forward to the podium in order to congratulate Casavant and honor his many years of public service, including 16 years on the city council, from 1976 to 1992.
Council President Norman Belanger described Casavant as “the most self-effacing person you will ever meet.” Belanger said Casavant set the tone and vision for the city’s government.
“He redefined the role of mayor in this community,” Belanger said. “He led with grace, confidence and style. Alan always saw the city as it could be.”
State Rep. Marc Malon and State Sen. Henry Ingwersen spoke on behalf of the Maine Legislature.
“He [Casavant] has always been the city’s chief cheerleader,” Malon said, recalling the theme of Casavant’s first bid for mayor 12 years ago. “His campaign logo then was summed up in two words: positive and professional,” Malon said. “I think we can all agree that he has lived up to that ideal.”
Representatives from the offices of U.S. Senator Angus King, U.S. Senator Susan Collins and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree all praised Casavant’s “unwavering devotion to the city and its people.”
School Superintendent Jeremy Ray said that Casavant was always someone who lived up to his word.
“If he [Casavant] tells you that he will be in your corner, you can guarantee he will be in your corner,” Ray said, also presenting the outgoing mayor with a lifetime pass to all sporting events in the city.
The council and city staff, including City Manager James Bennett and City Clerk Robin Patterson, presented Casavant with both a hand-crafted wooden chair and a mahogany box to store his gavel. Both items were engraved with his name and years of service.
Councilor Marc Lessard, who often found himself on differing sides of issues with the mayor, praised him Tuesday, saying that Casavant has “a true love for the city and its people.”
“You have done a fantastic job, Mr. Mayor,” Lessard said. “It has been an honor to serve with you.”
Councilor William Emheiser, who represents the city’s coastal area, said he expects to see a lot more of Casavant relaxing at the city’s beaches. “You have certainly earned some time to relax,” he said.
Councilor Doris Ortiz, trying to hold back her emotions, praised Casavant’s leadership style and his support. “Even when we disagreed, you would always tell me to vote with my conscience,” Ortiz said. “I am going to miss you. I am really going to miss you.”
Mayor-elect Marty Grohman said the prospect of not having Casavant as a leader was somewhat daunting.
“I can feel the pressure building as we head closer to the inauguration in December,” Grohman said, fighting back tears. “We – all of us – are going to miss you.”
Casavant was clearly surprised and somewhat overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and congratulations.
In his typical style, Casavant told the audience that his job was only made possible by “the wonderful people who I have had the opportunity to work with.”
A career educator at Biddeford High School, Casavant said serving as mayor was a lot like serving as a teacher in a classroom.
“This job is just like the three basics of teaching,” he said. “First, you repeat yourself over and over again to get your message out. Then, you work to connect the dots between what you’re teaching and what they’re learning; and finally, you work to make them feel special. If you can make someone feel special, you can expect great things from them.”
Randy Seaver can be contacted at