Baby Booty exercise classes create community for parents and babies

Baby Booty exercise classes create community for parents and babies
Baby Booty classes get parents moving while carrying their babies. SBN STAFF/Liz Gotthelf
Liz Gotthelf, Publisher

BIDDEFORD —  After Molly Brubaker of Cumberland gave birth to her daughter, Ella, she wanted to find a way to exercise without needing childcare. She created Baby Booty, a baby-wearing workout for parents.

Brubaker has taught Baby Booty classes for about a year, and Ella, now 16 months, has attended every class, snug against her in a chest carrier.

“The workout is based on the movements you do as new parents,” she said, like squatting down to pick up a toy off the floor. All levels are welcome, and the class is also open to pregnant women.

If a baby starts crying or if a mom and baby need to sit out the class for a moment, it’s okay.

“There’s absolutely no judgement. We’re all parents, so we understand,” said Brubaker.

The music is upbeat and fun, and the half hour exercise class is followed by a half hour of social time, where mothers can connect with each other and share parenting tips and babies can play and socialize.

Brubaker is one of four Baby Booty instructors in Maine, and there is also a Baby Booty instructor in Massachusetts.


Locally, classes are offered in Biddeford at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays at ToGather at 24 Pearl St. A Baby Booty Yoga class is also now being offered at 10 a.m. on Mondays at ToGather. Classes are also offered in Portland, and the schedule can be found online.

As mothers and babies entered the ToGather studio on a recent Wednesday, the women immediately gravitated to each other, catching up and greeting babies. There was clear camaraderie as they got their babies situated in their carriers and found a spot in the exercise space.

With their babies strapped to their stomach, the women followed Brubaker’s lead in series of exercises including lunges, squats, bar work and stretches. When the workout was finished, the mothers sat down and gathered in a circle while their children interacted with each other.

Molly Brubaker carries daughter Ella as she teaches a Baby Booty class at ToGather in Biddeford. SBN STAFF/Liz Gotthelf

Emily Dresser of Cumberland started going to Baby Booty classes with her son Arthur, now 11 months old, since October.

“It’s been great for both of us,” she said.

She said classes give her an opportunity to “do something for myself” without needing child care. Arthur gets a chance to socialize with other babies while she and other moms chat and share advice. Dresser said she’s even made new friends that she gets together with outside of class.

“It’s just such a welcoming place. You feel welcomed the second you walk through the door,” said Brittany Schissler of Biddeford.

She said she and her daughter Kinsley, now 17-months-old, started going to the class a few months ago and it’s been transformative for both of them.

“I feel so accomplished when I leave here,” she said. “This is the only thing I do for myself as a single mom.”

Publisher Liz Gotthelf can be reached at